Sunday, January 31, 2016

Space age Tower of Babel: Canadian company patents 20km lift to heavens

A towering structure rising 20 kilometers into the air with its top in the sky may sound like something out of an Old Testament passage or science fiction novel, but a Canadian space company has proposed just that to cut the costs of space exploration. READ MORE: NASA testing robot with sticky gecko feet (VIDEO)

‘99.99 percent air’: Boeing releases video of revolutionary lightweight metal

Boeing has released a video of its groundbreaking microlattice metal, which is “the world’s lightest material,” scientists say. Microlattice is a 3D open-cellular polymer structure made out of small hollow metallic tubes, and represents a criss-cross diagonal pattern with small open spaces. The video gives exciting examples of the substance’s possible use, such as new structural components in aerospace. Microlattice could save a lot of weight and make planes much more fuel-efficient.

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

Forget about paltry social benefits like food stamps, housing subsidies, or Obamacare: in Switzerland, every adult citizen could soon be enjoying a guaranteed monthly allowance of 2,500 Swiss francs (more than $2,400) – provided they vote to approve it in June.