Monday, January 30, 2017

Good now all the talented actors and actresses have an opportunity to really become actors and actress is in Hollywood. When we get rid of all these phony baloney fake horrible actors and actresses. Leave it'll open up more jobs for patriotic Americans, Who love the God of Arbraham, Isaac and Jacob!!!! We celebrate you're leaving thank God hurry up and get out ! Or start striking so the jobs will open up for people who really need work !!!!!!!

It is the first broken promise of the incoming Trump administration – and he didn’t even make it. Celebrities who had said they would quit America if he won have abandoned their promises before President-elect Donald Trump is even inaugurated. Some dismissed what they pledged as a ‘joke’ and others simply went to ground when asked by when they were packing up and heading to Canada or other countries. The wave of celebrity U-turns was led by Madonna who abandoned a promise to perform sex acts on men who voted for Clinton before the polls even opened. It is not known if anyone has complained about their disappointment to the multimillionaire liberal singer, 58, over her volte face. Others ditching their plans include Whoopi Goldberg, 60, who said on Thursday morning that ‘I’m not leaving the country I was born and raised in,’ and Amy Schumer, 35, who used social media to hit back at people telling her to pack her bags and declared her pledge to go was a ‘joke’. Actress and singer Miley Cyrus, 23, announced plans to leave the country in March but issued a tearful video the morning after Trump’s win saying she ‘accepted’ the 70-year-old as her president. More, however, have simply gone quiet, including Chloe Sevigny and Ne-Yo. Quite why so many celebrity would-be emigrants have seemingly decided not to up sticks is unclear, although financial circumstances may have provided a motivation. In Canada, the destination of choice for many of those apparently desperate to leave, the top rate of income tax is 33 per cent – slightly less than the 39.6 per cent paid in federal tax by top earners in the US. Trump has said he will chop the top rate to 33 per cent – meaning there is no financial benefit to fleeing to Canada, although, of course, none of the celebrities had suggested they were moving for tax reasons. And celebrities would lose money if they escape to Britain, another favorite destination for Trump refugees. The nation has a top rate of 45 per cent – while Spain and Italy, both mentioned by A-listers contemplating a move, make high earners pay top rates of 45 per cent and 43 per cent respectively. South Africa, another destination mentioned by stars on the move, has a top rate of 41 percent – and a president, in Jacob Zuma, who is mired in a succession of corruption scandals. 24 Comments Sort by Newest Add a comment... Joe Kluempke Send her packing and please send the rest of the Hollywood malcontents with her! Good Riddance! Like · Reply · 4 hrs Robert Yoder · Kalkaska High School I say put the bitch in jail for her threats Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs Joelle A How She is leaving because of her threat to blow up the White House Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs Elena Zavgorodnyaya · Irish American University Who really cares about this old, ugly, stinky pussy?! She leaves just because she upset that can't make blow job to every single dick who voted for Hillary Like · Reply · 4 · 20 hrs Laurie Godfrey Crap, I was really hoping these loud mouthed libtards would leave this country!! What a let down to the majority of Americans!! Lying bastards!! Like · Reply · 7 · Jan 29, 2017 11:54am Robert Tuffree · Grand Canyon University Liberal celebrities are liars plain and simple Like · Reply · 6 · Jan 29, 2017 8:21am Debi Pimental · Amarillo College It's either leave or spend 10 years in jail and pay a stiff $25,000.00 fine. Maybe she knows that she won't be missed. Who knows, but I highly doubt that she is leaving for good. Like · Reply · 3 · Jan 29, 2017 2:47am Gloria Jones · San Gorgonio High School Good now all the talented actors and actresses have an opportunity to really become actors and actress is in Hollywood. When we get rid of all these phony baloney fake horrible actors and actresses. Leave it'll open up more jobs for patriotic Americans, Who love the God of Arbraham, Isaac and Jacob!!!! We celebrate you're leaving thank God hurry up and get out ! Or start striking so the jobs will open up for people who really need work !!!!!!! Like · Reply · 6 · Jan 29, 2017 1:55am Lana Andreeva · Works at The Red Fox Celebrities who wants to leave America they should go I'm pretty sure there's enough people talented people Hollywood can use Like · Reply · 7 · Jan 29, 2017 1:25am Acer A. Pagasa Americans who have patronized their shows made them richer and turned millionaires���������������� ������.Perhaps the american fans should stop patronizing their concerts and shows movies (?!) But then it would be the middle class against itself. Like · Reply · 5 · Jan 28, 2017 8:41pm Load 10 more comments

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Promised Land is about the land & the people of Israel, as a nation, and how they affected the world. Experiencing the stories of our Patriarchs, Prophets & Kings, the Rabbis and Sages, and our modern day Pioneers, is a life changing experience. We want to be a part of your experience.

Pam Neilson Pam is Director of Incoming Tourism. She is a native Californian who made Aliyah (immigrated) to Israel with her husband and three teenaged children in 2003. She came to Israel with years of extensive Biblical studies and a vast appreciation for both Judaism and Christianity. As a licensed Israeli tour guide, with expertise in the Bible, Archeology and the Modern History of Israel, she is able to oversee our team in preparing our tourists for a life changing experience as they travel throughout the Promised Land. Moshe Hason Moshe is Director of Operations. He is paving the way for our tourists to have an authentic Israeli encounter. Moshe is a fourth generation native Israeli. He recently retired from 18 years of military service in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), where most of his service was working as a bomb technician; saving lives throughout Judea and Samaria. He has a BA in History & the Middle East; which gives him a wealth of knowledge to bring to the tourism industry. Promised Land Tours has created programs that cater to Jewish groups and Christian groups. We also have a vision to see Jews and Christians journey in the Land of the Bible together, learning from one another, while strengthening their own faiths.We believe that Jews and Christians worship the same God, and we seek guidance from the same book, the Torah. We believe that as the biblical, historical, and religious narratives are presented, we can build on our commonalities, respect our theological differences, and begin to build bridges for the future. No experience could compare to walking the Land and witnessing the fulfillment of Gods promise to the Jewish nation, "I will even gather you from the peoples, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel." ​Ezekiel 11:17.

I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you "I will #bless those #who bless you, and I will #curse him who curses you; and in you all the #families of the #earth shall be #blessed.” (#Genesis 12:3) ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ▒ЁЯМН #Jesus #God #standup #Israel #people #Jews #Jewish #available #influence #whatever #support #pray #peace #Jerusalem #Christians #chosen #special #treasure #prayer #Bible #safety #standup

27. “Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal.” — Elbert Hubbard 28. “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie 30. “Focused, hard work is the real 31. “God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow into them.” — Author Unknown 37. “”It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going.” — Brian Tracy 40. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn

Turn your dreams into goals. We all have goals that we’re striving to achieve — getting into better shape; achieving financial freedom; traveling to a dream destination; and so on. SaveOften, we have trouble getting started with our goals, or we discover that achieving them is going to take more time and effort than we thought it would, and we start to lose our motivation. That’s where goal quotes come in. There’s nothing like a good quote to rekindle your enthusiasm and have you raring to go once again. Below you’ll find 50 goal quotes that will inspire and motivate you to get started on your goals and to keep going even when you feel like you’re ready to throw in the towel. 1. “Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” — Fitzhugh Dodson 2. “People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” — Earl Nightingale 3. “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” ― Henry David Thoreau 4. “I have a motto on my bedroom wall: ‘Obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off the goal.’ Giving up is not my style. I just want to do something that’s worthwhile.” — Chris Burke 5. “A year from now you may wish you had started today.” ― Karen Lamb 6. “When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.” ― Napoleon Hill 7. “Goals are dreams with deadlines.” ― Diana Scharf 8. “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort 9. “The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man’s foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.” — Thomas Henry Huxley 10. “Life’s problems wouldn’t be called “hurdles” if there wasn’t a way to get over them.” — Author Unknown 11. “I don’t care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don’t harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.” — Zig Ziglar 12. “One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks.” — Jack Penn 13. “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” — Jimmy Dean 14. “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” — Stephen A. Brennan 15. “You can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.” – Stephen King 16. “If a goal is worth having, it’s worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to achieve it.” — Jill Koenig 17. “You don’t have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things – to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals.” — Edmund Hillary 18. “If you’re bored with life — you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things — you don’t have enough goals.” — Lou Holtz 19. “You can’t hit a home run unless you step up to the plate. You can’t catch a fish unless you put your line in the water. You can’t reach your goals if you don’t try.” — Kathy Seligman 20. “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” — Napoleon Hill 21. “Obstacles can’t stop you. Problems can’t stop you. Most of all, other people can’t stop you. Only you can stop you.” — Jeffrey Gitomer 22. “Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal. Prepare yourself in every way you can by increasing your knowledge and adding to your experience, so that you can make the most of opportunity when it occurs.” — Mario Andretti 23. “Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try.” — Dennis DeYoung 24. “You can conquer almost any fear if you will make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.” — Dale Carnegie 25. “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it.” –Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 26. “By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands — your own.” –Mark Victor Hansen 27. “Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal.” — Elbert Hubbard 28. “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” — Andrew Carnegie 29. “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.” — Bo Bennett 30. “Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren’t sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better.” — John Carmack 31. “God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow into them.” — Author Unknown 32. “Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.” — Elbert Hubbard 33. “Any unforeseen challenges that crop up are only there to test your resolve on your way to ultimate success in reaching your goal.” — Byron Pulsifer 34. “One part at a time, one day at a time, we can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves.” — Karen Casey 35. “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” — Earl Nightingale 36. “You can set a direct course for your future by defining your goals, or, you can take the opposite position and just let the future haphazardly unfold by itself.” — Catherine Pulsifer 37. “”It doesn’t matter where you are coming from. All that matters is where you are going.” — Brian Tracy 38. “We do not develop anything with one giant step. No matter who you are, or what you do, each one of us had had to take a lot of individual steps to accomplish a task, a job, a career, or even a hobby.” — Catherine Pulsifer 39. “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden 40. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn 41. “Begin with the end in mind.” — Stephen Covey 42. “Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.” — Robert G Allen 43. ““You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” — Wayne Gretsky 44. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — Theodore Roosevelt 45. “Your complaints, your drama, your victim mentality, your whining, your blaming, and all of your excuses have never gotten you even a single step closer to your goals or dreams. Let go of your nonsense. Let go of the delusion that you deserve better and go earn it!” – Steve Maraboli 46. “When you know what you want and you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it.” — Jim Rohn 47. “If you don’t make the time to work on creating the life that you want, you’re going to spend a lot of time dealing with a life you don’t want.” — Kevin Ngo 48. “Decide whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying.” – Amelia Earhart 49. “You haven’t failed until you quit trying.” — Anonymous 50. “Anyone can be remarkable, if they have something truly remarkable to do. Set remarkable goals for yourself and get to work on achieving them. Then, watch in amazement as you become remarkable.” — Marelisa F├бbrega, owner of Daring to Live Fully

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

thanks to technology and the growing trends of our lifestyles, startup options have emerged that aren’t so difficult.

Fiverr – Go here to become a freelancer and start selling gigs. YouTube – The top video site in the world. This is a great place to start a video channel business. – If you want to be a virtual assistant, this site has countless jobs for you. UpWork – Upwork is one of the top freelance sites in the world. TranscribeMe – This is a great site for getting started as a transcriptionist. DogVacay – Become a pet sitter and turn it into a side business starting here. Uber – Uber is replacing taxis and giving people like you a chance to make lots of money driving people around. Lyft – Lyft is the top competitor to Uber and allows you to be a freelance driver. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing – Go here to start publishing your first ebooks online, so people can buy them on Amazon. Guides and other resources mentioned How to Start a WordPress Blog in 3 Steps on Bluehost Hosting – This guide will walk you through starting your first blog for less than $10 per month. How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform in 2016 (Compared) – A helpful comparison of all the top blogging platforms. What is Needed to Start a Cleaning Business? – Some background information on starting a cleaning business. K Money Mastery – One of the best courses you’ll ever take on how to make a living from Kindle ebook publishing. How to Start a Lawn Care or Landscaping Business – One of the most in-depth articles you’ll ever find on what it takes to start a successful lawn care or landscaping business.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

President-Elect Donald Trump gave his first press conference in 167 days on January 11. President Trump say she will be the “be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created.” But do his policies really indicate a much more inward focused and insular America. And will Donald Trump’s tough talk lead to a trade war? Conditions today are in many ways eerily similar to those during President Richard Nixon’s time in office. What does this mean for the future of America? And do the forecasts made by Herbert W. Armstrong during Nixon’s tenure reveal America’s near future? Trump’s Wall and World War 3 Listen to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show that aired on Janurary, 12. Listen to the TDRS LIVE weekday mornings at 7am US Central on the Trumpet Radio. SOUNDCLOUD.COM|BY TRUMPETDAILY

President-Elect Donald Trump gave his first press conference in 167 days on January 11. President Trump say she will be the “be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created.” But do his policies really indicate a much more inward focused and insular America. And will Donald Trump’s tough talk lead to a trade war? Conditions today are in many ways eerily similar to those during President Richard Nixon’s time in office. What does this mean for the future of America? And do the forecasts made by Herbert W. Armstrong during Nixon’s tenure reveal America’s near future? TrumpWallBorderTrade

“in the twinkling of an eye”

I think it’s much more likely that he was using the plain sense meaning of the phrase to describe the speed with which the rapture will occur. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

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Loneliness in older people

Loneliness in older people Share:Email shareTwitter shareFacebook shareSave:Google BookmarksNHS Choices Saved PagesSubscribe: RSS feedPrint:Print Older people are especially vulnerable to loneliness and social isolation – and it can have a serious effect on health. But there are ways to overcome loneliness, even if you live alone and find it hard to get out. Hundreds of thousands of elderly people are lonely and cut off from society in this country, especially those over the age of 75. According to Age UK, more than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone, and more than a million older people say they go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member. People can become socially isolated for a variety of reasons, such as getting older or weaker, no longer being the hub of their family, leaving the workplace, the deaths of spouses and friends, or through disability or illness. Whatever the cause, it's shockingly easy to be left feeling alone and vulnerable, which can lead to depression and a serious decline in physical health and wellbeing. Someone who is lonely probably also finds it hard to reach out. There is a stigma surrounding loneliness, and older people tend not to ask for help because they have too much pride. It's important to remember loneliness can – and does – affect anyone, of any age. Here are ways for older people to connect with others and feel useful and appreciated again. Smile, even if it feels hard Grab every chance to smile at others or begin a conversation – for instance, with the cashier at the shop or the person next to you in the GP waiting room. If you're shy or not sure what to say, try asking people about themselves. Invite friends for tea If you're feeling down and alone, it's tempting to think nobody wants to visit you. But often friends, family and neighbours will appreciate receiving an invitation to come and spend some time with you. If you would prefer for someone else to host, Contact the Elderly is a charity that holds regular free Sunday afternoon tea parties for people over the age of 75 who live alone. You will be collected from your home and driven to a volunteer host's home for the afternoon. Apply online or call Contact the Elderly on 0800 716 543. Keep in touch by phone Having a chat with a friend or relative over the phone can be the next best thing to being with them. Or you can call The Silver Line, a helpline for older people set up by Esther Rantzen, on 0800 4 70 80 90. You can also call Independent Age on 0800 319 6789, Age UK on 0800 169 2081, or Friends of the Elderly on 020 7730 8263 to receive a weekly or fortnightly friendship call from a volunteer who enjoys talking to older people. Community Network brings people together on the phone each week. To join or start a telephone group, call 020 7923 5250. Learn to love computers If your friends and family live far away, a good way to stay in touch, especially with grandchildren, is by using a personal computer or tablet (a handheld computer). You can share emails and photos with family and friends, have free video chats using services such as Skype, FaceTime or Viber, and make new online "friends" or reconnect with old friends on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter and website forums. A tablet computer can be especially useful if you can't get around very easily, as you can sit with it on your knee or close to hand and the screen is clear and bright. A sponge-tip stylus pen or speech recognition may help if the touchscreen is difficult for arthritic hands or fingers with poor circulation. Libraries and community centres often hold regular training courses for older people to learn basic computer skills – as well as being a good place to meet and spend time with others in their own right. Local branches of Age UK run classes in computing to help older people get to grips with smartphones, tablet computers and email. Get some tips and advice on how to become more confident using the internet, including how to access your GP surgery online and how to look for reliable online health information. You can find somewhere local to take free or low-cost computer courses through UK Online Centres. Get involved in local community activities These will vary according to where you live, but the chances are you'll have access to a singing or walking group, book clubs, bridge, bingo, quiz nights and faith groups. Not to mention local branches of regional and national organisations that hold social events, such as the Women's Institute, Rotary, Contact the Elderly, and Brendoncare clubs in the south of England. The Silver Line helpline (0800 470 8090) can let you know what's going on in your local area. Fill your diary It can help you feel less lonely if you plan the week ahead and put things in your diary to look forward to each day, such as a walk in the park, going to a local coffee shop, library, sports centre, cinema or museum. Independent Age has published a guide about what to do if you're feeling lonely, which includes tips about activities you could try. Download If you're feeling lonely - how to stay connected in older age (PDF, 2.97Mb) or order a free print copy by calling 0800 319 6789, or email Get out and about Don't wait for people to come and see you – travel to visit them. One advantage of being older is that public transport is better value. Local bus travel is free for older people across England. The age at which you can apply for your free bus pass depends on when you were born and where you live. Contact your local authority for more information on how to apply. Use this State Pension calculator to find out the exact date when you can apply for your free bus pass. For longer distances, train and coach travel can be cheap, too, especially if you book in advance online and use a Senior Railcard. The Royal Voluntary Service can put you in touch with volunteers who provide free transport for older people with mobility issues or who live in rural areas with limited public transport. Help others Use the knowledge and experience you've gained over a lifetime to give something back to your community. You'll get lots back in return, such as new skills and confidence – and, hopefully, some new friends, too. There are endless volunteering opportunities that relish the qualities and skills of older people, such as patience, experience and calmness. Examples are Home-Start, Sure Start, helping in a local charity shop or hospital, Citizens Advice, and school reading programmes. Find out how to volunteer in your area on the Volunteering England website. Read more about how to get started as a volunteer. Join the University of the Third Age The University of the Third Age (U3A) operates in many areas, offering older people the chance to learn or do something new. Run by volunteers, U3A has no exams. Instead, it gives you the chance to do, play or learn something you may never have done before, or something you've not considered since your school days. U3A is also a great place to meet people and make new friends. Find your nearest U3A online. 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Monday, January 16, 2017

Morning People

Milyonaryong OFW's: 100,000 Game Plan Page Liked · September 13, 2014 · 9 Reasons Why Morning People Are More Successful By P. Hudson CEOs, athletes, artists and countless people deemed to be successful individuals have a secret weapon that all have access to, but few choose to take advantage of: early morning. They say that the early bird catches the worm, which is true. Especially if you’re a bird looking for a worm. But even as a human being, there are plenty of reasons for you to forget you have a snooze button and start your day a little earlier. Life is meant to be lived… not slept through. Here are 9 reasons why you should get up with the sun: 1. You have more energy in the morning and a clearer mind. Okay, you may need to have your cup of coffee first, but you get the idea. Waking up early may not give you much more energy than waking up later, although even this may be the case depending on your sleeping habits, but what it will do is give you more time in the day when you feel energetic and motivated. The later you wake up, in theory, the less time you have before you lose your motivation and get distracted. Once the evening comes around, no one really wants to be working. Especially not when friends, neighbors, and/or children want to spend time with you. Wake up earlier, get more done when you feel like getting things done, and then have more time to live a little. 2. There is nothing worse than starting your day off in a hurry. I hate rushing with a fiery passion. I think it is the most annoying feeling in the world. Having to rush your day at any point leaves you feeling flustered and beat. Starting your day off in a rush leaves a sour taste in your mouth, making it difficult to slow back down and get grounded. Take your time in the mornings to do… nothing. Get ready slowly. Have breakfast while seated at a table instead of mid commute. Go for a walk or maybe a bit of exercise. Meditate or just breathe in the morning air. Maybe you would even like to watch the sunrise – few people see the sunrise more than a handful of times in their lives. Why not get to see it every day? 3. Mornings are a great time to get personal things done – things you don’t need anyone else to help you with or to contribute to. Write emails. Do some quick cleaning or organizing. Make your kids breakfast and lunch. Do some reading. Do the laundry. Do all the things that you know that you won’t want to do once you get home from work. I don’t know about you, but I dread going home knowing that a long list of chores awaits me. Get up with the birds and do all the things you don’t especially enjoy doing early, allowing time to enjoy the rest of your day the way it was meant to be enjoyed. 4. Crossing a few things off your list early in the day will give you a nice sense of accomplishment, fueling you for the remainder of the day while simultaneously giving you peace of mind. Sometimes we have such slam-packed schedules that we aren’t sure how we’ll manage to fit it all in. Waking up early will, for one, give you a few extra hours if you need it (emergencies do happen). You’ll also be able to check a few things off your to-do list, making you especially productive and accomplished. Who doesn’t want a little ego boost in the mornings? 5. Overall, it’s more efficient. Your mind focuses more intently in the mornings and because most of the world is either still asleep or just stirring, there are fewer distractions. Also, the most efficient way to work is to work in neat two to four hour sessions – straight. No breaks or distractions. Getting in one of these blocks earlier on in the day will basically give you extra hours in the day itself. Waking up early and getting to bed early is – in a nutshell – a more efficient way to live. 6. Starting early usually means finishing early – happy hour anyone? As adults, we have a lot of responsibilities. Too many even. There is always work to be done and always things that we would rather be doing instead. The key to a happy and productive life is time management. Waking up in the early hours of the day should allow you more time later in the day to do whatever it is that you want to do – to live your life the way you believe it should be lived. Doing nothing but working all day, every day is miserable. Managing your time wisely by starting early can very well lead you to hate your life a little less. 7. You’ll get tired earlier and get to bed earlier, getting a better night’s sleep. While the amount of hours you sleep may or may not affect your quality of sleep, as there are many factors to consider, what it will do is make getting a proper night’s sleep more likely. If you go to bed earlier you are more likely to get the needed hours. Most people don’t just lie down and pass out right away – most people take some time to fall asleep or wake up in the middle of the night and have to fall asleep all over again. Getting to bed earlier will allow you to sleep in a little extra if a little extra is what you need. 8. You’ll literally experience a side of life you haven’t experienced before. As human beings, we are creatures of habit. And as such, we like to follow routines that we have created for ourselves. The problem with such routines is that, forgetting about the fact that they are usually unhealthy, they only allow you one version of reality. If you wake up late then you never get to experience the magnificence that is dawn. You never get to hear the first chirping of the birds or the beautiful array of colors in the early morning sky. You don’t get to see your environment in the morning calm before the storm. You don’t get to experience your whole life – the part of life you’ve been missing after sleeping in for so many years. 9. You get a couple of hours to be yourself. No masks. No gimmicks. No trying to impress people you couldn’t care less about. Getting up earlier allows for more alone time – time that too few people give importance to. Having a few extra hours in the day when you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not, when you don’t have to watch your every move, your every word, will give you a new a redefined sense of self. You will feel better about yourself and feel happier overall. We get trapped in the rat race that is life. These morning hours are a time for you to simply be yourself. No one else is watching.

ang Pinoy ay

Isang rason kaya di umaasenso ang Pinoy ay; hindi gustong linyahin ang mga nakaka-asenso talaga. Lagi kasi tayo sa safezone. Hindi naniniwala na kaya namang tibagin ang harang sa pagtahak ng sure na daan. One reason why not succeeded; the Filipino is not like the linyahin to asenso. It's always the safezone. Can't believe that was on the block tibagin pagtahak of it that way. · Rate this translation

Ang Pasko Milyonaryong OFW's: 100,000 Game Plan Page Liked · November 14, 2015 · BASAHIN NIYO PO,VERY TOUCHING STORY,MAY TAO PA KAYANG GANITO SA NGAYON? SANA NGA MARAMI PA!!! "ANG BALIKBAYAN" Isang araw sa bansang Estados Unidos, abala si Lucas sa kaniyang mga dadalhing pasalubong sa pagbabalikbayan. Halos 25 taon na rin ang lumipas mula ng iwan niya ito sa edad na 16. Kasama niyang namumuhay sa Amerika ang kaniyang mga magulang at dalawang kapatid. Dito na sila nanirahan at isa na silang "American Citizen" sa ngayon. Nakapag-asawa na rin si Lucas sa Amerika. Isa ring Pilipina na si Maria Cristina. Biniyayaan sila ng isang anak na babae na nasa 12 taong gulang na ngayon. "bakit mo naman naisipan na magbalik bayan ha, Lucas?" usisa ng kanyang ina na si Mom Lailani "gusto ko lang pong maglibang sa aking sariling bansa" "iiwan mo kami rito e kaarawan mo sa araw ng Pasko alam mo ba yun?" "inay, unang nagpapasko ang Pinas, kinabukasan pagkatapos ng Noche Buena sa Pinas, babalik ako dito, icecelebrate pa rin natin ang kaarawan ko, siguro mga alas 11 ng gabi ng Dec 25 o a bente sais dito sa tate ang balik ko kaya hintayin niyo ko, itry ko talaga, masyado na akong busy next year baka di na ko makapagbalikbayan" "kelan ang alis mo rito?" "bukas , Dec 15, mga sampung araw ako roon, magsisimbang gabi ako, nay halos 25 taon akong di nakabalik ng bansa, kaya wag niyo na akong tutulan" "sino naman ako na tututol, ang mahalaga, masaya ang anak ko, ang problema kay Cristina, papayag ba siya?" "nag-usap na kami inay, pinayagan niya ako, gusto ngang sumama, kaso maraming trabaho at si Jasmin na anak namin walang magbabantay, alam niyo naman dito sa Tate, youth are wild kapag di nagabayan" "where are they nga pala anak?" "there, at the park nag-eenjoy sa snow, medyo makapal ngayon sa NY, kaya nageenjoy sila riding in ski" "di ka sumama?" "prepare all things muna Ma, mahirap bukas mag-ayos" "saan ka tutuloy sa bahay natin?" "yap tumawag na ako kay Cousin Jennifer, she prepares all things there for me, mag papa cater ako sa birthday ko doon, closing the street of Marigold he he he" "me pupunta kaya e lahat me handa that time pasko e" tanong ng ina "mag-papalaro ako at mamimigay ng gift" tugon ng huli "ikaw ang may birthday tapos ikaw ang mamimigay?" Ma, si Jesus ang may birthday, iyon ang mas mahalaga, kung me mag-greet sa akin magbibigay ako ng gift sa kaniya, sa unang babati lang ha" "bakit di mo ba ipapaalam na birthday mo anak?" "doon ako lumaki sa Marigold Ma, halos lahat ng neighbor natin alam na birthday ko kapag pasko, kaya lets see the results, na mimiss ko na rin mga long lost friend ko specially yung kababata kong si John Paul, saan na kaya siya ngayon" "sino yun yung taga slum area?" "yeah, siya yun pero mabait yun kahit mahirap lang he's one of my great friend, di ba siya nag Valedictorian noong primary ko, nakapag-aral kaya siya, kasi nong High School bigla siyang nawala at nawalan ako ng balita sa kaniya, lalo na ng dinemolish na ang slums" "di mo na makikita yun baka lumipat ng bahay, maybe nakapag-abroad na matalino e, maybe he's now a great engineer or something, I know magaling sa Math yun, di mo kaya e kaya third honorable mention ka lang anak" "ha ha ha! oo nga Ma reminiscin ka ha, magaling nga siya sa Math, I miss him sana ma meet ko, pero kahit sina Kabron at Tope, ma-meet ko lang ang mga kalog kong friends e masaya na ako" "Von voyage anak, sana maging masaya ka sa kaarawan mo" "thanks Ma, (tsup! humalik sa noo)) bayaan niyo me pasalubong kayo sa akin na daing na pusit, don't forget to greet Jesus ha, siya ang may birthday second lang ako ha ha ha" "ikaw talagang bata ka, of course, sige anak maiwan na muna kita" "nice talking to you Ma" "okey, see you at the dinner anak" Nakarating ng Pinas si Lucas, nagsimbang gabi ito. Pinuntahan niya ang mga dating kaibigan. "gwapo mo at mataba pare, sarap talaga mamuhay sa Tate ano?" wika ni Kabron na kababata ni Lucas "di naman, hiyang lang, oo nga pala si Tope ba san na ngayon?" "patay na siya pare, nasagasaan tatlong taon na ang nakararaan, lasing kasi ng tumawid sa daan, laging naglalasing kasi mula ng mamatay ang anak niyang 8 taon sa dengue" "dengue? "oo iyong sa lamok galing, nakamamatay iyon" "I heard that in US, mostly sa tropical part of the world, mosquito na lumalabas tuwing 5am to 6am at ganun din sa gabi ,kaya dagdag ingat kayo of course pati ako, ay naku buhay talaga , hmmm, saan ka man naroron Tope, kumusta na lang, oo nga pala sa Dec 24 ng alas 3PM, maghahanda ako sa bahay, pupuntahan ko si Chairman para sa permit" "permit saan?" "ipasasara ko ang Marigold Street, maghahanda ako, magpapalaro may mga papremyo, kahit bata matanda pwede pumunta, mag rerent ako ng comedian, clown o magician" "wow galing naman, sige tutulungan kita diyan" "of course kaya nga pinuntahan kita e, how much ba?" "ikaw naman, di naman ako nagpapabayad" "joke lang Kabron he he he, oo nga pala wala ka bang balita kay John Paul?" "wala pare alam ko pina demolish ang iskwateran e, mula noon di ko na nakita" "ganon ba, sayang, di bale sige pare tulungan mo ako ha?" "yes yes yes!" sagot ni Kabron Dumating ang takdang araw, maraming bisita si Lucas, masayang masaya siya, nagdatingan din ang mga kamag-anakan niya sa Pampanga. Maraming bata ang nabiyayaan ng regalong inihanda niya. Masaya ang lahat sa mga programa at palaro. Masasarap na pagkain din ang kaniyang inihanda. "pare laki ng ginastos mo mga magkano lahat ito?" tanong ni Kabron "umabot ng 150,000 pero masaya ako wala sa akin ang pera basta masaya ang pagbabalikbayan ko" "tutal malaki naman ang kita mo sa Tate bilang Engineer, abot ka siguro ng 300,000 a month sa piso" "di naman, tama lang pampamilya" "oo nga pala salamat sa regalo mong Adidas Rubber shoes, ang ganda" "welcome pare, pasensiya ka na yan lang nakayanan ko" "sus ikaw naman ganda nga e" Isa-isang nang umaalis at nagpaalam ang mga bisita ni Lucas. Hahabulin kasi ng mga ito ang Noche Buena sa kani-kanilang bahay. Maraming di masyadong uminom ng alak at kumain. Ipinabalot niya ang mga pagkain sa iba at ipinamigay. Naging abala ang lahat. Walang nakaalala ng kaniyang kaarawan. Tanging pasko lang ang tanging nasa isip ng lahat, wala rin siyang narinig na pagbati kay Hesus. Maging si Kabron ay di naalala ang karawan ni Lucas. "Kabron, pwede ka nang umuwi naghihintay na pamilya mo parating na ang Pasko" wika ni Lucas "sige pare, salamat, bukas bago ka bumiyahe pabalik puntahan kita rito ha?" "sige pare hintayin kita" Nag-uwian na ang lahat ng makita niya ang isang magbabalot na kanina pa nakatingin sa kaniya. "pare, nagtitinda ka pa rin e pasko na, halika kumain ka muna" wika ni Lucas "salamat po, kailangan po kasing magtrabaho me sakit ang nanay ko, matanda na po kasi e" Gutom na gutom na kumain ang magbabalot. "magkano ba lahat iyan at papakyawin ku na" tanong ni Lucas "60 po lahat ng itlog, 4 po ang puhunan ko sa isa, ibebenta ko po ito ng sampu isa para may sais akong tubo, bale 600 po lahat ng itlog, tubo lang po ako ng 360, ibawas pa po ang patrabaho sa paglalaga na 40, malinis na 320 lang ang kita pag nabili lahat" "whew! nalito ako roon ha, galing mo sa kwentahan pero ,sold! eto 2 libo, pamasko ko na iyan sa iyo, bili mo ng gamot ang nanay mo ha?" "naku maraming salamat po sir salamat po" "okey lang iyon Pasko naman e, siyanga pala ano pangalan mo?" "John Paul Mangahas sir" "Jo..John Paul!" gulat na nasambit ni Lucas "yes sir, kilala ko nga kayo, kayo po si Lucas Madrigal kaklase ko po kayo sa San Andres Elem. School, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIR" "ha! alam mo birthday ko, ha ha ha ikaw nga si John Paul, what happen to you?" "mahirap lang kami sir, after high school di na ako nag college, tinulungan ko na lang nanay ko sa pagtitinda, namatay na rin tatay ko ten years na, medyo ganito lang po talaga ang buhay ko, but tanggap ko po ito" "don't ever ever call me sir John (niyakap niya ito) ikaw lang ang bumati sa akin ng happy birthday, you know may gift ako sa unang babati sa akin, and that is I will bring him or her to USA to work with me, any work na pwede niyang gawin, I'll prepare all the things sa documents, kahit mahirap kunin ito aayusin ko at gagastusan, ikaw pala iyon Paul" "salamat po pero ang nanay ko diko maiiwan, me sakit po siya e" " telka nga muna wag mo akong ipo o opo ha, we are the same human sige, I double the price, tell your mom kasama siya ipagagamot ko siya roon, my wife is a doctor there, deal?" Umiyak si John, tumulo ang kaniyang mga luha at dumaloy hanggang sa leeg, may halong kasiyahan ang kaniyang mga mata, yumakap ito kay Lucas. "Happy Birthday Lucas, salamat, wala naman kaming mga dokumento para makapunta doon" "ako ang dokumento mo John Paul , ops siya nga pala sino ang may Birthday ngayon?" "ay si Jesus din pala, Merry Christmas, and happy birthday pala kay Jesus para ka pa ring elementary Lucas" "good at don't ever ever forget na ang pasko ay kaarawan ni Jesus, pangalawa lang ako ha ha ha, tara at pumunta tayo sa inyo, doon ako magpapasko, dali at 30 minuto na lang pasko na" "a..a kakahiya Lucas sa ilalim lang kami ng tulay nakatira" "e di sa ilalim tayo ng tulay mag noche buena, ha ha ha!, Jenny ikaw muna bahala sa bahay aalis lang kami ng kaibigan ko! wika ni Lucas "sige kuya ako na bahala" sagot ni Jennifer na kaniyang pinsan. Umalis ang dalawa, naglakad lang ang mga ito,nakaakbay pa si Lucas kay John Paul habang bitbit ang basket ng balot. Tuwang-tuwa ang mga ito. Ito na ang huling pasko ng pamilya ni John Paul sa Pilipinas at sa Amerika na sila maninirahan ilang buwan simula sa maningning na araw na iyon. WAKAS. Share kung nagustuhan mo ang kwento na ito © Junrix S. Monter See Translation

January 16: The joy of the Lord is your strength. Neh. 8:10 Our capacity for joy now is not what it will be by and by, but it is possible now to have our little earthen vessels as full as they can hold of the joy of the Lord.... (Turn to John 14:23.)--In such company as this can any Christian fail utterly to realize some measure of joy in the Lord? No, if his faith grasps the promise and holds it, the realization of joy in the Lord is sure to follow, and the more firmly his faith lays hold upon the promise the more will he realize its fulfilment, and the more fully will his joys abound; for in the presence of the Lord is fulness of joy, no matter what may be the conditions and circumstances. R1949

whoweare2.jpg (16363 bytes) The Bible Students are an association of independent Christian groups who are not affiliated with any established denominations. Neither do we subscribe to many of the traditional denominational practices. We are committed to a diligent searching of the Scriptures to determine through them the Divine Word of Truth. We extend a warm welcome to anyone like-minded and sympathetic with our love for the Truth, and who believe in Jesus Christ as our ransom, to join us in the study of God's Word. No collections are taken and there are no obligations. If you would like more information regarding our studies please contact us for further details by calling us at the number below or using the "Send Us Your Bible Question" button above. Call us at (248) 828-8960 . . . That the Church is the "Temple of the Living God"—peculiarly "his workmanship"; that its construction has been in progress throughout the Gospel Age—ever since Christ became the world’s Redeemer and the Chief Corner Stone of this Temple. When it is finished, God’s blessing shall come to "all people" when they shall find access to Him through this spiritual Temple. 1 Cor. 3:16, 17; Eph. 2:20-22; Gen. 28:14; Gal. 3:29 . . . That Meantime the Chiseling, the shaping, and polishing of consecrated believers in Christ’s atonement for sin progresses; and when the last of these "living stones," "elect and precious," shall have been made ready, the Great Master Workman will bring all together in the First Resurrection. Then the Temple shall be filled with his glory and be the meeting place between God and men throughout the Millennium. Rev. 15:5-8 . . . That the Basis of Hope for the Church and the world lies in the fact that "Jesus Christ, by the grace of God, tasted death for every man," "a ransom for all," and will be "the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world," "in due time." Heb. 2:9; John 1:9; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6 . . . That the Hope of the Church is that she may be like her Lord, "see him as he is," be "partakers of the Divine Nature," and share his glory as his joint-heir. 1 John 3:2; John 17:24; Rom. 8:17; 2 Pet. 1:4 . . . That the Present Mission of the Church is the perfecting of the saints for the future work of service; to develop in herself every grace; to be God’s witness to the world; and to prepare to be kings and priests in the next Age. Eph. 4:12; Matt. 24:14; Rev. 1:6; 20:6 . . . That the Hope for the World lies in Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. At that time all will have the opportunity to have a full knowledge of the truth and to receive restitution blessings, having all that was lost because of Adam fully restored. All the willingly obedient will gain perfect life eternal, all the wilfully wicked, destruction. Acts 3:19-23; Isa. 35; Rev. 21

Our beliefs are molded by history, tradition, culture, and various religious teachers as they interpret holy scriptures for us. What we accept as truth must be open to reason (James 3:17). This interactive questionaire explores five Bible questions. Each question has a “YES” and a “NO” answer. You can't pick the wrong answer, because both answers are correct. Find out how much you really know about your Bible. Click on the YES or the NO links. Let's begin...

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. Psalms 119:105 Search ASK any Bible question, get Bible ANSWERS from a real person, DISCOVER more about your Bible! HOME BIBLE STUDIES BOOKS & VIDEOS BIBLE TOPICS ARTICLES FREE DOWNLOADS BIBLE KIDS HISTORY LINKS ABOUT US SEND US YOUR BIBLE QUESTION SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER DOWNLOAD BIBLETODAY IPAD APP SEARCH THE BIBLE RSS FEED DAILY HEAVENLY MANNA This website is dedicated to demonstrating the Bible is God's word and it is just as relevant for our modern world today as when it was first written. WHY IS THE BIBLE GOD'S WORD? While the Bible is generally accepted by Christian people as having divine authority, comparatively few are able to clearly explain just why they hold this opinion. How has it been preserved free from corruption? Why, in its present condition, is it worthy of our full confidence? Let us consider what evidence we have to the credibility of these writings.

January is ‘Bible Month’

Home / NEWS / Main Stories / Top Stories January is ‘Bible Month’ posted January 08, 2017 at 10:01 pm by Sandy Araneta President Rodrigo Duterte has signed Proclamation No. 124 “Declaring the Month of January of Every Year as National Bible Month Culminating in the Last Week Thereof as National Bible Week.” Signed on Jan. 5, 2017, the Proclamation said, “the state recognizes the religious nature of the Filipino people and the elevating influence of religion in human society.” While maintaining neutrality in its treatment of all religious communities, the government is not precluded from pursuing valid objectives secular in character even if it would have an incidental result affecting a particular religion or sect, the Proclamation read. The 1987 Constitution calls on the government to support efforts to strengthen the ethical and spiritual values and to develop the moral character of the Filipino people, it said. History bears witness to the profound impact of the Bible on the life of nations, and to how it has moved and inspired many people, including statesmen and social reformers to work for the betterment of their fellow human beings even at great cost to themselves, the Proclamation read. It is fitting and proper, for the molding of the spiritual, moral and social fiber of our citizenry, that national attention be focused on the importance of reading and studying the Bible, it also read. In November 2015, Duterte called Pope Francis his favorite insult—a “son of a whore”—for apparently exacerbating Manila’s already chronic traffic during an official visit. He then announced he wished to visit the Vatican to personally apologize to the Catholic Church leader. “The mayor repeatedly said he wants to visit the Vatican, win or lose, not only to pay homage to the Pope but he really needs to explain to the Pope and ask for forgiveness,”his then spokesman, Peter Lavina, told the media. Duterte also apologized to the Pope via a letter; the Vatican responded by offering the “assurance of prayers” during his campaign. Earlier, the leader of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) aired his side amid the scathing remarks made by President-elect Rodrigo Duterte against the dominant Catholic Church. In his message titled “Understanding Silence,” Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop and CBCP President Socrates Villegas highlighted the value of silence amid the tirades launched by Duterte. “There is virtue in silence. There is virtue in speech. Wisdom is knowing when it is time for silence and when is the timing for speech,” Villegas was quoted in a CBCP News report. “Mine is the silence of Jesus before the arrogance of Pilate…Mine is the language of peace that refuses the dark magic of revenge. Mine is the silence of respect for those who consider us their enemies but whose good we truly pray for and whose happiness we want to see unfold,” he added. “You can understand my speech if you speak the language of silence. You can understand my silence if you know how to love like Him who was born one silent night,” the prelate said. Duterte has been relentless in his criticisms of the Catholic Church, branding it as the “most hypocritical institution.” Duterte vowed to expose the alleged Church abuses during his six-year term. Topics: President Rodrigo Duterte , Proclamation No. 124 , January , National Bible Month , National Bible Week

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Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Saved

The Saved And The Unsaved Jesus declared that those who believed on Him were NOT condemned, and those who did not believe on Him were CONDEMNED already! (John 3:16-18) Jesus made it clear that EVERLASTING LIFE belonged ONLY to those who believed in HIM! (John 5:24, 6:40, 6:47) The apostle John (who also wrote Revelation) declared that the very reason the Gospel was written was that people might believe on Jesus and have EVERLASTING LIFE! (John 20:31) In that very same Gospel, the apostle John (who also wrote Revelation) declared that the WRATH OF GOD already abode upon those who rejected Jesus Christ! (John 3:36) After Jesus was killed and rose from the dead, He told His followers to preach the Gospel to all, and told them that the believers would be SAVED, and the unbelievers would be DAMNED! (Mark 16:15-16) This is what really matters in the END. Does a person know Jesus Christ? If they die without Christ, then they end up in HELL forever. (Luke 16:19-31) The Devil is so clever in perverting the truth of the Gospel of Christ and he will do all that he can do to keep people out of Heaven.If a person has not been truly born again of the Spirit, then they are NOT part of the Kingdom of God.

The Saved And The Unsaved Jesus declared that those who believed on Him were NOT condemned, and those who did not believe on Him were CONDEMNED already! (John 3:16-18) Jesus made it clear that EVERLASTING LIFE belonged ONLY to those who believed in HIM! (John 5:24, 6:40, 6:47) The apostle John (who also wrote Revelation) declared that the very reason the Gospel was written was that people might believe on Jesus and have EVERLASTING LIFE! (John 20:31) In that very same Gospel, the apostle John (who also wrote Revelation) declared that the WRATH OF GOD already abode upon those who rejected Jesus Christ! (John 3:36) After Jesus was killed and rose from the dead, He told His followers to preach the Gospel to all, and told them that the believers would be SAVED, and the unbelievers would be DAMNED! (Mark 16:15-16) This is what really matters in the END. Does a person know Jesus Christ? If they die without Christ, then they end up in HELL forever. (Luke 16:19-31) The Devil is so clever in perverting the truth of the Gospel of Christ and he will do all that he can do to keep people out of Heaven.If a person has not been truly born again of the Spirit, then they are NOT part of the Kingdom of God.

Soul Refuge Home Testimony Is Jesus Christ The Only Way To Heaven? Is Jesus Christ God? Secret Invisible Rapture? The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ The False Gospel of the Vatican Roman Catholicism Mormonism Videos Transubstantiation: The Greatest Hoax in the World The New Covenant Jerusalem: Earthly vs Heavenly Deception Warnings How To Get Saved For Real Reality Check: When Famous People Die Previous Next John Hagee, the SCOFIELD BIBLE, and the Israel Delusion In a Charisma magazine article written over seven years ago (July 28, 2009), the well known “Christian Zionist” Pastor John Hagee made the following statement: “Few Christians recognize that there are five judgments in Scripture. The first has occurred, and four are yet to be.” That statement regarding the numerous judgments of God is classic CI Scofield which was popularized by his own Scofield Bible. That Bible is one of the first (if not the first) Bible to put the man made notes of a man (or woman) on the very same page as the scriptures. The problem with that is that many people start believing every thing that is written on the page as if it was the scripture itself! In this article I will be looking at the “fourth judgment” according to Hagee and other dispensationalists. John Hagee declared the following in the Charisma magazine article: “The fourth judgment is the judgment of the nations. All the nations of the earth will be judged before God Almighty and His holy angels for the manner in which they treated the Jewish people. (See Matthew 25:31-46)” “The fourth judgment is the one that most concerns us here. The time of the judgment is immediately after the Messiah returns to Earth to establish His literal kingdom in the city of Jerusalem. It is critical to your well being that you understand what the Bible teaches about the believers treatment of God’s chosen people so you will not come under this judgment.” “Who do you think are the hungry, naked, thirsty, sick, imprisoned strangers Jesus refers to in Matthew 25? They are not the church; they are the Jewish people.” “Jesus makes this clear when He says, ‘And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren [the Jews], you did it to me. ‘Then He will say to those on the left hand. ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. . . . And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” (Matthew 25:40-41,46) “It is important to be right on the Israel question when you consider that being wrong brings you under the curse of God and headed for eternal, everlasting fire with the devil and his angels. Israel is not a ‘take it or leave it” subject. It is a life or death matter-eternal life!” “If you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and those who reject its truths have entered into idolatry and rebellion; if you believe Jehovah God is a God of integrity and that it would be impossible for Him to break His covenant; if you believe that Jesus Christ is our example and that we ought to follow Him, then there is no biblical alternative but to support the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. They’ll be blessed —and so will you!” [The Lord Has Chosen Zion, Tuesday, 28 July, John Hagee, Charisma Magazine] First of all I would like to address the issue of the numerous judgments in scripture. If any person reads their Bible and they listen to how the Lord Jesus Christ taught, they know that the Lord spoke with an urgency in His voice, encouraging the people to be prepared for his coming. When the Lord spoke about judgment, he always made a clear distinction between those who were saved, and those who were not. The Lord did not hold back the truth about Hell either, as most modern day Pastors in user friendly churches do. You do not get the sense that there would be several different judgments when you browse through the Gospel accounts. The Lord made it known that He would be coming again and He also made it super clear that He was absolutely the ONLY WAY to Heaven. If you miss that, then you miss everything! Keep in mind that the Lord Jesus Christ is perfect and He never fails. You do not want to miss it when it comes to salvation and judgment. As far as Judgment Day goes there will be only ONE judgment day and the Lord Jesus Christ spoke of that day, as the LAST DAY! Jesus declared that those who rejected Him, and His words (you cannot separate the two), would be JUDGED by Him, and His words in the LAST DAY! (John 12:48) Jesus declared that those who BELIEVED on Him, would be raised up by HIM, on the LAST DAY! He used those words LAST DAY, three different times in three separate verses! (John 6:40,44,54) Jesus declared that He was coming again, in the clouds of Heaven, with great glory, and He declared that all the tribes (Greek: phule-races) of the earth would mourn (Greek: kopto-lament, mourn) when they see the Son of Man coming. (Matthew 24:30) The apostle John wrote in the book of Revelation (who also wrote The Gospel of John) declared that all the kindreds (Greek: phule-races) of the Earth would wail (Greek: kopto- lament, mourn) at the sight of Jesus when He comes in the clouds! (Revelation 1:7) The apostle Paul declared that the Lord would raise the dead, and the living believers at His coming. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) Jesus declared that He would come with the angels and reward EVERY MAN according to their works. (Matthew 16:27)The apostle John declared that the dead, both small and great, would be judged by God, according to their works, and that those whose names were not found in the book of life, would be cast into the lake of Fire!. (Revelation 20:11-15) The Saved And The Unsaved Jesus declared that those who believed on Him were NOT condemned, and those who did not believe on Him were CONDEMNED already! (John 3:16-18) Jesus made it clear that EVERLASTING LIFE belonged ONLY to those who believed in HIM! (John 5:24, 6:40, 6:47) The apostle John (who also wrote Revelation) declared that the very reason the Gospel was written was that people might believe on Jesus and have EVERLASTING LIFE! (John 20:31) In that very same Gospel, the apostle John (who also wrote Revelation) declared that the WRATH OF GOD already abode upon those who rejected Jesus Christ! (John 3:36) After Jesus was killed and rose from the dead, He told His followers to preach the Gospel to all, and told them that the believers would be SAVED, and the unbelievers would be DAMNED! (Mark 16:15-16) This is what really matters in the END. Does a person know Jesus Christ? If they die without Christ, then they end up in HELL forever. (Luke 16:19-31) The Devil is so clever in perverting the truth of the Gospel of Christ and he will do all that he can do to keep people out of Heaven.If a person has not been truly born again of the Spirit, then they are NOT part of the Kingdom of God. They are still dead in their sins, and without everlasting life, which is found in Jesus Christ alone. Does that mean that every person who has died without salvation in Jesus Christ over the past centuries went to Hell? Absolutely YES, and that is a message that is rarely heard in this modern day. Does that mean that a Jewish person who died without believing in Jesus Christ died in their sins and will face everlasting punishment? Absolutely YES! Does that mean that a Gentile person( from any nation) who died without believing in Jesus Christ, died in their sins and faces everlasting punishment?Absolutely YES! What about all the other religions in the world, and all the good people in those religions? It does not matter because it is only the BLOOD that will atone for the sins of mankind (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22) and the Bible makes it very clear that Jesus Christ alone is that BLOOD atonement! (Romans 5:6-9, Ephesians 1:7, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Revelation 5:9) It is the obligation of every INDIVIDUAL in this world of ours, to search out the truth for themselves, and do not ever forget that. People will not stand before Almighty God holding hands with the millions of people, who held the same beliefs that they did! They will stand before God and be judged for what they did, and what they believed, and what they did with the person of Jesus Christ! The scriptures declare so clearly that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way of salvation! (John 14:6, Acts 4:10-12) It is almost sickening when one thinks of the LAST DAY and the FINAL JUDGMENT , and what it will be like when people realize and understand, that they did not know the Lord, and that they missed the whole thing! Not only that, but the absolute sorrow of knowing that parents have led their loved ones astray and taught them the wrong way! Salvation is not something to be played with for sure. (Hebrews 2:1-3) Scofield’s Bogus Teaching The ‘Brethren’ In Matthew 25 Are The Jewish People Pastor John Hagee declared that ALL the nations of the world were going to be JUDGED, by how they treated the Jewish people. That is one of the most demonic interpretations that I have ever read, and that interpretation did not originate from him. As I said before, this is classic Scofieldism (Scofield Bible), and millions of people have been ensnared with Scofield’s teachings over the decades. As I said earlier, the whole Gospel is about Jesus Christ. God offers salvation to ALL the world, and that would include the Jewish people. The apostle Paul made that very clear also. (Romans 1:16-18) The NATIONS of the world (including Israel, past and present) are going to be JUDGED for what they did with Jesus Christ, and not for how they treated the Jewish people! Not only that but the “BRETHREN” in that passage of scripture, DOES in TRUTH, speak about the CHURCH and NOT the Jewish people as John Hagee declares. That teaching is classic CI Scofield, and that is where John Hagee got that teaching from. So then who are the BRETHREN? Jesus Christ Himself gives us the answer: Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have. Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come at him for the press. And it was told him by certain which said, Thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to see thee. And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it. (Luke 8:18-21) The ‘BRETHREN’ according to Jesus Christ are those which hear the word of God,and do it. The ‘BRETHREN’ are simply those disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ, who take heed to His word, and that is made very clear in Matthews version of that same passage of scripture. (see Matthew 12:46-50) The Jewish people who reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah, are clearly not His disciples, and they clearly do not believe the words that come out of His mouth. The Jewish people for the most part rejected Jesus Christ during His time as He came unto His own, and they received Him NOT! (John 1:11) and it has been that way up until this very day! If any sincere person would read the Gospel accounts, they would NEVER come up with that interpretation regarding the BRETHREN, that CI Scofield (Scofield Bible) came up with, and which has deceived millions over the years. Do the Jewish people who reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah follow the word of God? Of course they do not! In fact Jesus Christ (God in the flesh) told them that they KILLED their own prophets, and STONED those who were sent to them! (Matthew 23:23-37, Luke 13:34) The real Jesus Christ rebuked the Jewish Pharisees for their hypocrisy, and that same word still stands true today for the religious Jewish people throughout the world. They still reject Jesus the Messiah, who was sent to them to this very day! The apostle Paul was converted from those very same ways, being a Jewish Pharisee himself, and he made it very clear that the Jewish people did not even understand their own prophets which were read every Sabbath! And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. Of this man’s seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus: When John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. And as John fulfilled his course, he said, Whom think ye that I am? I am not he. But, behold, there cometh one after me, whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose. Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this SALVATION sent. For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, BECAUSE they KNEW HIM NOT, nor yet the VOICES OF THE PROPHETS which are read EVERY SABBATH DAY, they have FULFILLED THEM in condemning him. And though they found no cause of death in him, yet desired they Pilate that he should be slain. And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre. But God raised him from the dead: (Acts 13:22-30) To this very day, when the scriptures are read, and the prophets are quoted in Jewish synagogues, they still do not understand that the prophets, prophesied about Jesus Christ! The scriptures make it abundantly clear that Jesus Christ came forth from the lineage of David, and the scriptures say here that God had raised Jesus up to be a Saviour unto Israel. The truth of the matter is this. The Jewish people not only in the physical land of Israel, but all over the world still do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, nor the Son of God! They still reject Him to this very day! When the Lord is talking about the treatment of the ‘BRETHREN’ in that Matthew 25 passage, He is simply talking about the treatment of His very own followers. They are the ones who make up HIS BODY (Romans 12:5, Ephesians 3:6, 4:12) and they are the ones who make up HIS CHURCH (2 Corinthians 1:1, Galatians 1:13), and they are the living stones (1 Peter 2:5-6) who make up His SPIRITUAL HOUSE (1 Peter 2:5-6) and TEMPLE (2 Corinthians 6:6), with Jesus Christ Himself as the chief CORNERSTONE! (1 Peter 2:5-6) The Jewish apostle Paul (formerly Saul) testified about how the RISEN AND LIVING, Lord Jesus Christ spoke to him out of Heaven, as he was on one of his rampages against true born again Christians. And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And I answered, Who art thou, Lord? And he said unto me, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest. (Acts 22:6-8) So what can we learn here? We learn that the Lord looked at those who were being persecuted by people like Saul (Paul), as if it were Himself! The Lord Jesus Christ let Saul (Paul) know that it was HE, (Jesus) whom he was persecuting! So when you read about the judgment in Matthew 25 regarding the treatment of the “BRETHREN” it is so easy to understand that the Lord is talking about His own body of believers in the world. Just as the Lord knew that His followers (the body) were being persecuted by Saul (Paul) (Acts 9) and others, so He is well aware of those who have persecuted His people through the centuries! So when the Lord brings up the treatment of those ‘BRETHREN’ in Matthew 25 it is talking about those who were TRUE BELIEVERS in HIM. That group of TRUE BRETHREN is made up of both Jewish and Gentile believers in Jesus Christ. I might also point out here, that the treatment of other believers is a FRUIT of a TRUE BELIEVER and not the BASIS for the salvation which is found in Jesus Christ. We need only look to the whole New Covenant (Testament) to learn that salvation comes by FAITH, and we know that it is the BLOOD of Jesus Christ alone that will atone for our sins. The Scofield teaching regarding the ‘BRETHREN’ is a BOGUS and DEMONIC DOCTRINE and it without question one of the “doctrines of devils” which the Jewish apostle Paul warned us about here: Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to SEDUCING SPIRITS, and DOCTRINES OF DEVILS; (1 Timothy 4:1) The Curse Of God And Everlasting Fire For Who? John Hagee made another incredible statement in that Charisma magazine article. First he quotes from Matthew 25: 40-41,46 regarding those who are cursed and cast into everlasting fire, and then he makes it very clear that this describes those who do not treat the Jewish people nicely: “It is important to be right on the Israel question when you consider that being wrong brings you under the curse of God and headed for eternal, everlasting fire with the devil and his angels. Israel is not a ‘take it or leave it” subject. It is a life or death matter-eternal life!” I will speak for myself here. I am not the least bit frightened about John Hagee’s FALSE interpretation about being under the curse of God, or being cast into everlasting fire as he puts it in his article. John Hagee needs to know that it is IMPORTANT to be right on the JESUS CHRIST question, NOT the ISRAEL question, because UNBELIEVING ISRAEL is under the CURSE of the LAW, (Romans 3:19-20) and if they do not repent they will spend eternity in the lake of fire! (Mark 1:15, Luke 13:3) Unbelieving ISRAEL will die in their sins without the Jesus Christ whom they reject! (John 8:24) Unbelieving ISRAEL is CONDEMNED ALREADY if they reject Jesus Christ. (John 3:16-18) Unbelieving ISRAEL is under the wrath of God, if they reject Jesus, the Son of God. (John 3:36) Unbelieving ISRAEL makes God out to be a LIAR, because they REJECTED, the testimony of Jesus Christ! (1 John 5:9-13) Unbelieving ISRAEL is of an ANTICHRIST spirit, because they do NOT believe that JESUS CHRIST (MESSIAH) came in the flesh! The Bible describes them as LIARS and DECEIVERS! (1 John 2:18, 2:22, 4:3, 2 John 1:7) How should a Christian TREAT the people of ISRAEL? The Christian should PREACH the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them like any other group of people. Instead of having “Night to Honor Israel” meetings, John Hagee should be having “Night to Preach the Gospel to Israel” meetings, and that would bring HONOR to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only ONE who deserves that HONOR! If the Jewish apostle Paul were to see UNBELIEVING ISRAEL being honored all over the country, without having the gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them, and warning them that their souls were hanging over Hell, he would be in a state of shock! When Paul got saved, and he began to PREACH Christ in the Jewish synagogues, the JEWISH people wanted to KILL HIM! And when he had received meat, he was strengthened. Then was Saul (Paul) certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus. And straightway HE PREACHED CHRIST in the synagogues, that he is the SON of GOD. But all that heard him were amazed, and said; Is not this HE that DESTROYED THEM which called on this name in JERUSALEM, and came hither for that intent, that he might bring them bound unto the CHIEF PRIESTS? But Saul (Paul) increased the more in strength, and confounded the JEWS which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very CHRIST. And after that many days were fulfilled, the JEWS took counsel to KILL HIM: But their laying await was known of Saul (Paul). And they watched the gates day and night to KILL HIM. (Acts 9:19-24) Do you know why there is no persecution or opposition against true Christians, from the Jewish people at those “Night to Honor Israel” meetings? It is simply because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is NOT being preached to the Jews, and they are NOT being told that they must repent and believe the Gospel! The JEWISH people are being HONORED, instead of being told that their precious souls are lost, and Hell-bound, like any other person who rejects Jesus Christ! They are NOT being told that they MUST be born again! (John 3:1-8) as our sweet Saviour JESUS CHRIST would have told them. Will you continue to stand by? Will you continue to let our sweet Jesus down, the one who saved your own wretched souls? I would like to say right here that the BLOOD of those precious Jewish souls is ON the professing Christians who hold back the truth from them! And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, I have made thee a WATCHMAN unto the house of ISRAEL: therefore hear the word at MY MOUTH, and give them WARNING from ME. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him NOT WARNING, nor speakest to WARN the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but HIS BLOOD will I require at THINE HAND. Yet if thou WARN the wicked, and he TURN NOT from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but THOU hast delivered THY SOUL. (Ezekiel 3:16-19) True Christians should be treating ALL people throughout the world, with the LOVE of God, and not just the Jewish people over in Israel and the rest of the world! I may also add, that this would include the Palestinians who reside next to Israel and all over the world also! If YOU have been born again of the Spirit of God, I hope that YOU can say AMEN to that too! My duty as a Christian is to preach the Gospel to ALL people, and that would include the Jewish people. There is not a doubt in my mind that they need to repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ or they will surely perish and be cast into everlasting fire just like anybody else. I would also like to say here that the doctrine that John Hagee spews forth here which the Scofield Bible also supports, can also be included in the “doctrines of devils” which the Jewish apostle Paul warned us about! (1 Timothy 4:1) The treatment of the BRETHREN, as stated earlier is speaking about the treatment of TRUE BELIEVERS in Jesus Christ. The judgment of those people who are cast into everlasting fire is simply revealing that they were not part of the Kingdom of God, nor were they part of the spiritual House and Temple of God! It is that simple! It is important to be right on the JESUS question, not the Israel question, a falsehood which Hagee, and other dispensationalists propagate. It is what ISRAEL does with JESUS, and NOT what Christians do with Israel! Consider the FRUIT of what John Hagee teaches and you will see where it will lead you. Consider the fact that in the past, John Hagee has called for a preemptive attack on another nation, which goes by the name of IRAN, and then ask yourself the question. Is this the Spirit of Jesus Christ at work there? You have to be kidding me if you think that the merciful, kind, loving and gracious Lord who emptied His veins on the cross for lost souls like me and you is behind that! Folks, there is another Spirit at work there and I assure you that it is not the Holy Spirit! Jesus Christ rebuked His closest followers when they suggested that they call fire down upon those who rejected Him! And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem, And sent messengers before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for him. And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias (Elijah) did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village. (Luke 9:51-56) Any person who has been truly born again of the Spirit knows full well that they personally deserved nothing but the wrath of God, but they received His awesome GRACE and MERCY when they turned to Jesus Christ. After having our spiritual eyes opened up,how could we then think nothing of putting another human being into eternity without the Lord? There is a BOGUS CHRISTIANITY in the land today, that masquerades as the TRUTH but it is anything but that. When you think of the influence that teachers such as John Hagee and others such as Hal Lindsey have in America and the rest of the world it is very scary indeed. If you keep preaching something over and over again, and it meets little resistance, then people will begin to believe it!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

CHANGE YOUR MIND AND BECOME SUCCESSFUL - Best Motivational Videos Compilation for 2017 Be Inspired Be Inspired Start at: 22:50 Published on Nov 11, 2016 Motivational compilation for success. If you think this video can help someone, please SHARE it. I just hope this video will be helpful for somebody. Thank you! =================================================================== PLEASE SUPPORT ME ON PATREON FOR CREATING MORE PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS =================================================================== Thanks to Axl Rosenberg for letting me use his music. 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Caption author (Serbian) Djole Ilic Caption author (English) Tech Boy Caption author (Portuguese (Brazil)) Sidney SouzaCosta Category Education License Standard YouTube License SHOW LESS COMMENTS • 1,206 Oscar del Rosario Add a public comment... Top comments Priyam Mishra Priyam Mishra1 month ago (edited) 5:22 Can someone tell who's man ? Reply 3 Be Inspired Be Inspired1 month ago Magic Johnson:) Reply 5 Priyam Mishra Priyam Mishra1 month ago Thanks a lot :) Reply 1 Yellow Jacket Yellow Jacket1 month ago Violinist at 11:50 is a big violinist on youtube isn't she? Reply 20 View all 3 replies lalitya varshney lalitya varshney1 month ago (edited) Her name is Lindsey Stirling and she got rejected in America's Got Talent. She's huge... Reply 13 kchichi kchichi5 days ago +lalitya varshney fucking yeah !!#awesome! hate that show im gonna start following her or like her Reply 1 Swadhi Mehta Swadhi Mehta1 month ago plzz allow the people to save these video as a offline Reply 21 View all 7 replies Swadhi Mehta Swadhi Mehta1 month ago +rudra vats yeah got it !! Thanks Reply 2 rudra vats rudra vats1 month ago +Swadhi Mehta you're welcome you can use tubemate app also  Reply 2 Lina Usman Lina Usman2 days ago Trying to be as big as them this year. Hope you love my music. :) Reply GoHardEverydayBrah GoHardEverydayBrah6 days ago Always live your life everyday doing what you love! Set your goals... Get off your arss an achieve them... Your a sick cunt if you want to be... None of this sad cunt shit, lets do this!... Don't let know haters get in your way... You can have anything you want in this life... Put in the hard work... Excuses are for losers who want everything easy... Your gonna make it We all suffer, it's not the end of the world Through pain/hard times comes growth You cant always have it your way, grow up... Stop letting fear hold you back... Get out there, meet new people, make new friends... Form new relationships, try new things... Just remember over 150,000 people die everyday. Stop worrying about small problems in your life or stressing what may or may not happen months or even years from now. Just live an... Enjoy this one life while you have it. Furrrkkkkkk Were all gonna make it Brahs!! Read more Reply 5 Motivational Speaker William Hollis Motivational Speaker William Hollis1 month ago Thank you for using my voice didn't see my name on the list but it's William Hollis lady's and gentlemen subscribe to my channel Reply 4 View all 3 replies Motivational Speaker William Hollis Motivational Speaker William Hollis1 month ago I wrote you back i would love to Reply funny one funny one1 month ago ok Reply Cassandra Williams Cassandra Williams1 month ago I need this everyday. I know I'm capable of so much, it's just a matter of me finding my purpose. Reply 8 Luis Heredia Luis Heredia1 month ago Cassandra Williams Cassandra, the easiest way to find your purpose. is to find what you love to do. never give up:) Reply 1 Cris Leonen Cris Leonen2 weeks ago Urebzybtydxd Reply it's time to stop. k? it's time to stop. k?2 hours ago I'm trying to do my job but this player the legend27 keeps sucking my dick Reply Anie Ub Anie Ub10 hours ago Who knows the name of the lady in 11:40? Reply Lunaeincola Lunaeincola1 month ago (edited) I always wondered if these motivational videos ever really worked for someone becoming successful ? I never could get the point of motivational videos, sounds too Hollywood fantasy movie like . Reply 5 View all 6 replies Humara Khan Humara Khan1 month ago Lunaeincola I will let you know once I get to where I want to be!! :) Reply 6 Monet Walker Monet Walker1 week ago Humara Khan i pray to God you will Reply ANTIFAscism ANTIFAscism12 hours ago favourite parts 2:38-3:05 and 26:55-27:40 Reply Tina Dowling Tina Dowling1 month ago I have been struggling with nerve pain since back surgery. I am pushing through it and trying to not get depressed. but if continues I can see I will crash. I have lost my energy and joy in life. suggestions? ? Reply 3 View all 14 replies kchichi kchichi5 days ago +priley817 have a financial dream then help one person in an underdevelopment country who is in your situation and help them out Reply Tina Dowling Tina Dowling5 days ago Thanks so much. Reply Shreyas Sonavane Shreyas Sonavane1 month ago thank u keep creating such videos !we need ppl like u! Reply 8 View all 2 replies dinesh chopra dinesh chopra1 month ago Shreyas Sonavane Reply Chris Chris4 weeks ago Who's the guy being interviewed at 5:20? His story sounds amazing, cleaner to CEO. I'd love to read his biography/ autobiography. Reply 1 View all 3 replies ahmed horry ahmed horry2 weeks ago yeah :D Reply Sil Republic Sil Republic2 weeks ago it is magic Johnson. Reply M4No 76 M4No 762 days ago (edited) In 10 years I WILL BE IN THE NFL IDK WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!REMEMBER MY NAME! Reply Deivid Pereira Deivid Pereira1 week ago Impossible is just a big word. Reply 2 HEALED HEALED2 days ago I'm possible. Have faith in God. With God ALL Things are possible. Reply aamidjaythreepointoh aamidjaythreepointoh1 month ago "I believe I can fly; literally; without wings or any system of propulsion" Reply 13 ahmad athar ahmad athar1 month ago smoke weed you can fly for free no air cost Reply 26 Patsy Arnell Patsy Arnell1 month ago lol! Reply 1 Berk MD Berk MD1 month ago Do you guys know what is that film in 1:44 Reply 1 View all 5 replies aymen mimoun aymen mimoun1 week ago Berk MD Reply Advanced Gaming Advanced Gaming3 days ago The only problem with my life is my weak emotions but I never changed my goal I kept changing but every time I failed with emotions Reply David Galindo David Galindo4 weeks ago Who's the speaker at 10:05 and 14:46 ? Please and thanks in advance. 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