Thursday, February 23, 2017

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

New Church online donation system | Deseret News May 1, 2015 - A screenshot of the donations history portion of the Church Online ... Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of ...

New Church online donation system By Ryan Morgenegg LDS Church News Published: May 1, 2015 1:10 p.m. 1 of 3 A screenshot of the donations history portion of the Church Online Donations website. View 3 Items A screenshot of the donations history portion of the Church Online Donations website. According to a statement issued by the Church on Wednesday, April 29, approval has been given for an electronic method for members in the United States to pay tithing and submit other charitable donations such as humanitarian relief. The Church Online Donations website will be rolled out to congregations in the United States throughout 2015, and the Church will notify local leaders when it is available in their area. The website will allow members in the United States an additional way to submit contributions to the Church. Tithing, fast offerings and other donations have been given in envelopes to the local bishoprics or branch presidencies. "The new online donations process does not replace previous methods for paying tithes and offerings,” said Church public affairs representative Eric Hawkins. Other methods of making donations — such as online transactions through local banks, credit unions or "bill payment" processes — will still be available. “ "If someone still wants to pay with an envelope, that is still fine. This is simply another option," he said. The Church’s Finance and Records Department says the initial site not only demonstrated a simplified donation process for members, but also showed that this new approach reduced the load on local leaders and clerks charged with processing donations. The Church will notify local leaders when it becomes available in their area. “The new online donation system requires the use of a U.S. bank account," said Brother Hawkins. “If someone lives in another country but has an account in the U.S., it may be available to them." Another benefit of the new online system is the ability to contribute to a friend's or family member’s LDS mission. Regardless of Church membership, with an LDS account, individuals can donate to help financially support an LDS missionary without needing to mail or deliver an envelope to local leadership. The LDS Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The publication's content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Let me share to you an article I found and It was anonymous -It is titled Communications-Listening 1.Want to listen. Almost all problems in listening can be overcome by having the right attitudes. Remember, there is no such thing as disinteresting people - only disinterested listeners. 2. Act like a good listener. Be alert. Sit straight. Lean forward if appropriate. Let your face radiate interest. 3. Listen to understand. Do not just listen for the sake of listening. Listen to gain a real understanding of what is being said. 4. React. The only time a person likes to be interupted is when applauded. Be generous with your applause, make the other person feel important. Applaud with nods, smiles, comments, encouragement. 5.Stop talking - you can't listen while you are talking. 6.Empathize with the other person. Try to put yourself in the other's place so that you can see that point of view. 7. Ask questions. When you don't understand, when you need further clarification, when you want the other person to like you, when you want to show you are listening: But don't ask questions that will embarras or "put down" the other person. 8. Concentrate on what the other is saying. Actively focus your attention on the words, the ideas, and the feelings related to the subject. 9. Look at the other persons, face, mouth, eyes, hands, will all help the other person communicate with you. Helps you concentrate, too. Shows you are listening. 10. Smile appropriately. But don't overdo it. 11. Leave your emotions behind (if you can). Try to push your worries, your fears, your problems away. They may prevent you from listening well. 12. Get rid of distractions. Put down any papers, pencils, etc., you have in your hands: they may distract your attention. 13. Get the main points (the big picture). Concentrate on the main ideas and not the illustrative material: examples, stories, statistics, etc., are important, but usually are not the main points. Examine them only to see if they prove, support, define the main ideas. 14. Share responsibility for communication. Only part of the responsibility rests with the speaker: you as the listener have an important part. Try to understand, and if you don't, ask for clarification. 15. React to ideas, not to the person. Don't allow your reaction to the person to influence your interpretation of words. Good ideas can come from people with looks or personality you don't like. 16. Don't argue mentally. When you are trying to understand the other person, it is a handicap to argue mentally while you are listening. This sets up a barrier between you and the speaker. 17. Use the difference in rate. You can listen faster than anyone can talk, so use this rate difference to your advantage by trying to stay on the right tract. Think back over what the speaker has said. Rate difference: speech rate is about 100 - 150 words per minute; Thinking: 500. 18. Don't antagonize the speaker. You may cause the other person to conceal ideas, emotions, attitudes by being antagonizing in any of a number of ways: arguing, criticizing, taking notes, not taking notes, asking questions, not asking questions, etc., Try to judge and be aware of the effect you are having on the other person. Adapt to the speker. 19. Avoid hasty judgements. Wait until all the facts are in before making any judgements. 20. Listening is fun: develop this attitude. Make a game of seeing how well you can listen. I hope you like it........Oscar

Tony Zerucha is managing editor of Bankless Times. "The evolution of the crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending scenes is absolutely fascinating to chronicle. It is a joy to be around people with such passion and vision."

Author : Tony Zerucha Tony Zerucha Tony Zerucha is managing editor of Bankless Times. "The evolution of the crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending scenes is absolutely fascinating to chronicle. It is a joy to be around people with such passion and vision."

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Enlightened Consciousness 4 hrs · In Buddhism, for example, the existence of advanced powers is readily acknowledged; in fact, Buddha expected his disciples to be able to attain these abilities, but also to not become distracted by them. Monks With ‘Superhuman’ Abilities Show Scientists What We Can All Do It’s fascinating to consider just how many ancient teachings tell us that humans have the capacity to gain extraordinary powers through various techniques.… ENLIGHTENED-CONSCIOUSNESS.COM|BY STAFF CONTRIBUTOR

MONKS WITH ‘SUPERHUMAN’ ABILITIES SHOW SCIENTISTS WHAT WE CAN ALL DO Staff Contributor | April 10, 2016 | Life, Science, Spirituality | No Comments MONKS WITH ‘SUPERHUMAN’ ABILITIES SHOW SCIENTISTS WHAT WE CAN ALL DO Staff Contributor | April 10, 2016 | Life, Science, Spirituality | No Comments buddhist-monk-300x200 It’s fascinating to consider just how many ancient teachings tell us that humans have the capacity to gain extraordinary powers through various techniques. Some of these techniques, known as siddhis in the yoga tradition (from the Sanskrit, meaning “perfection”), include meditation, static dancing, drumming, praying, fasting, psychedelics, and more. In Buddhism, for example, the existence of advanced powers is readily acknowledged; in fact, Buddha expected his disciples to be able to attain these abilities, but also to not become distracted by them. A Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies at the University of Michigan, Donald Lopez Jr., describes the many abilities ascribed to Buddha: With this enlightenment, he was believed to possess all manner of supernormal powers, including full knowledge of each of his own past lives and those of other beings, the ability to know others’ thoughts, the ability to create doubles of himself, the ability to rise into the air and simultaneously shoot fire and water from his body. . . . Although he passed into nirvana at the age of eighty-one, he could have lived “for an aeon or until the end of the aeon” if only he had been asked to do so. (source) Again, there are numerous historical anecdotes of people with, as the Institute of Noetic Sciences calls them, ‘extended human capacities.” Since this article is focused on Buddhist monks, here is another example from the lore as written by Swami Rama in Living with the Himalayan Masters: I had never before seen a man who could sit still without blinking his eyelids for eight to ten hours, but this adept was very unusual. He levitated two and a half feet during his meditations. We measured this with a string, which was later measured by a foot rule. I would like to make it clear, though, as I have already told you, that I don’t consider levitation to be a spiritual practice. It is an advanced practice of pranayama with application of bandeaus (locks). One who knows about the relationship between mass and weight understands that it is possible to levitate, but only after long practice. . . He (also) had the power to transform matter into different forms, like changing a rock into a sugar cube. One after another the next morning he did many such things. He told me to touch the sand – and the grains of sand turned into almonds and cashews. I had heard of this science before and knew its basic principles, but I had hardly believed such stories. I did not explore this field, but I am fully acquainted with the governing laws of science. (source) A lot of these stories exist within the literature and lore, but they are just stories, up to the readers to decide if they hold any actually credibility. Of course, one who subscribes to various ancient teachings would be more inclined to believe that these are more than just stories and tales. With science shedding light on the possible truths of ancient mysticism, it’s not implausible to think that, at one time, these abilities were more common knowledge. Today, there have been a number of studies within the realms of parapsychology that have yielded statistically significant results, especially when examining the findings that’ve come from quantum physics. This is why Max Planck, the theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, stated that he “regards consciousness as fundamental” and that he regarded “matter as derivative from consciousness.” He also wrote that “we cannot get behind consciousness” and that “everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing postulates consciousness.” And the Dalai Lama has supported this viewpoint: Broadly speaking, although there are some differences, I think Buddhist philosophy and Quantum Mechanics can shake hands on their view of the world. We can see in these great examples the fruits of human thinking. Regardless of the admiration we feel for these great thinkers, we should not lose sight of the fact that they were human beings just as we are. (source) R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics of Physics and Astronomy at John Hopkins University, explains things further: A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual. (source) For a selected list of downloadable peer-reviewed journal articles reporting studies of psychic phenomena, mostly published in the 21st century, you can click HERE. HARVARD AND THE HIMALAYAN MONKS During a visit to remote monasteries in the 1980s, Harvard Professor of Medicine Herbert Benson and his team of researchers studied monks living in the Himalayan Mountains who could, by g Tum-mo (a yoga technique), raise the temperatures of their fingers and toes by as much as 17 degrees. It is still unknown how the monks are able to generate such heat. (source) And it doesn’t stop there — the researchers also studied advanced meditators in Sikkim, India, where they were astonished to find that these monks could lower their metabolism by 64 percent.(source) In 1985, the Harvard research team made a video of monks drying cold, wet sheets with body heat alone. Monks spending winter nights 15,000 feet high in the Himalayas is also not uncommon. These are truly remarkable feats, and not the first time science has examined humans who can do extraordinary things. We published an article a couple of months ago showing that factors associated with consciousness can influence our autonomic nervous system. You can read more about that in the article linked below: Study: Factors Associated With Consciousness Can Influence Our Autonomic Nervous System via Collective Evolution Image source Related articles: Shaolin Monks Training (18 Amazing Pictures) Mummified 200 Year Old Monk Found in Mongolia in ‘Very deep Meditation’ 6 Humans With Real “Superpowers” That Science Can’t Explain Staff Contributor STAFF CONTRIBUTOR Staff contributors has always been curious of the world around. We take people's interest at heart. From an early ages we developed psychic abilities, but likes to class ourselves as a guidance councilor. 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regulating drug use is the smartest solution to dealing with the drug problem.

FRONT PAGE NEWS Ex-Colombian president to Duterte: 'You're repeating my mistakes' By VJ Bacungan, CNN Philippines Updated 15:21 PM PHT Wed, February 8, 2017 4.6K30 Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) — The former President of a country notorious for its illegal drug cartels is warning President Rodrigo Duterte that his war on drugs will likely backfire. "Throwing more soldiers and police at the drug users is not just a waste of money but also can actually make the problem worse," said former Colombian President Cesar Gaviria in a Tuesday opinion piece in The New York Times. "Locking up nonviolent offenders and drug users almost always backfires, instead strengthening organized crime," he added. "That is the message I would like to send to the world and, especially, to President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines. Trust me, I learned the hard way." Tens of thousands slaughtered Gaviria — who was President of Colombia from 1990 to 1994 and was involved in taking down international drug trafficker Pablo Escobar — said using brute force in combating illegal drugs just created more problems. "Not only did we fail to eradicate drug production, trafficking and consumption in Colombia, but we also pushed drugs and crime into neighboring countries," he said. "Tens of thousands of people were slaughtered in our anti-drug crusade," Gaviria added. "Many of our brightest politicians, judges, police officers and journalists were assassinated. At the same time, the vast funds earned by drug cartels were spent to corrupt our executive, judicial and legislative branches of government." According to Philippine National Police (PNP) data, more than 2,500 alleged drug suspects were killed in police operations from July 1, 2016 to January 30, 2017. Meanwhile, human rights group Amnesty International said it has recorded over 7,000 drug-related killings, alleging that police officers are paid up to ₱15,000 for every drug suspect killed. Read: War vs. poor: Police paid per drug killing – Amnesty International Other human rights groups and members of the international community have condemned Duterte's war on drugs because of incidents of alleged extrajudicial killings. Related: Report: Philippines on downward trend in upholding freedom due to war on drugs The government has repeatedly denied the allegations, saying the deaths were a result of police officers defending themselves in legitimate police operations. In addition, a Senate investigation found no evidence of extrajudicial killings sanctioned or committed by authorities. Related: CHR: Senate should continue probe on extrajudicial killings Hard line stance 'unwinnable' Gaviria also said taking a hard line stance against criminals may be popular for politicians, but the human costs were enormous. "I was also seduced into taking a tough stance on drugs during my time as president," he said. "The polls suggest that Mr. Duterte's war on drugs is equally popular. But he will find that it is unwinnable." "They started making positive impact only when they treated drug use a social problem and not a military one." he added. New approach to dealing with drugs Gaviria also said the war on drugs is a "war on people" and that more and more governments see the need for a new approach to dealing with illegal drugs. "Real reductions in drug supply and demand will come through improving public health and safety, strengthening anticorruption measures — especially those that combat money laundering — and investing in sustainable development," he said. Gaviria also said the best way to tackle drugs is to decriminalize consumption and ensure that governments regulate certain drugs, including for medical and recreational purposes. The Duterte government said it has committed funding for drug rehabilitation programs and has likewise tapped private investors to put up drug-rehabilitation facilities. Read: Duterte admin to focus on rehab of drug dependents Gaviria also said Duterte's idea of using the armed forces in the war on drugs would be "disastrous." The proposal comes after Duterte ordered the PNP and the National Bureau of Investigation to suspend anti-drug operations following the kidnapping and killing of Korean businessman Jee Ick-joo in a purported anti-drug operation. Read: War on drugs suspended, takes back seat in war against rogue cops "No matter what Mr. Duterte believes, there will always be drugs and drug users in the Philippines," Gaviria said. "But it is important to put the problem in perspective: The Philippines already has a low number of regular drug users. The application of severe penalties and extrajudicial violence against drug consumers makes it almost impossible for people with drug addiction problems to find treatment. Indeed, the criminalization of drug users runs counter to all available scientific evidence of what works." Malacanang has yet to comment on Gaviria's statements.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

10. “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another” – G.K. Chesterton Education connects you with the stories, theories and accomplishments of faraway cultures and generations. It offers you a body of knowledge greater than you can ever gain on your own in one lifetime.

13 Inspiring Educational Quotes for Students to Help Them Thrive Read these educational quotes for students to get inspired and take another step toward your dream. 1. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a better place. 2. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” – Mahatma Gandhi It’s important to seize the day, but always make time to go deeper and wider in your learning. 3. “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity” – Dorothy Parker The more you learn, the more you want to learn, the more the world becomes more interesting to you, and discovering it becomes more fun. 4. “If You are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people” – Chinese Proverb There are many ways you can make an impact on the world. But there is no greater impact that you can make than spreading education, and empowering people who’ll empower and teach people, who, in turn, will empower and teach more. 5. “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer” – Albert Einstein Getting education isn’t easy, and most students experience challenges during their degrees. The important thing is to believe in yourself and not give up. 6. “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself” – Chinese Proverb You can have access to professors from the best universities in the world, but you still need to be willing to do the work, even when it’s hard. If you can’t do it alone, remember that asking for help is part of doing the work. 7. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin Education requires costly resources, like time and money, which are often hard to find. But those who do invest these resources, often end up richer – not just because they often improve their financial situation, but because their minds are richer too. 8. “The highest result of education is tolerance” – Hellen Keller We said it in our vision too. When you educate people, you take down barriers. You help them see what it’s like in other situations, cultures and countries. You create a world that is more tolerant to differences and accepting of all. 9. “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you” – B. B. King Education is a long term investment. The time and money you put in, the courage you have to move through challenges and persevere… it will all keep paying off for the rest of your life. 10. “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another” – G.K. Chesterton Education connects you with the stories, theories and accomplishments of faraway cultures and generations. It offers you a body of knowledge greater than you can ever gain on your own in one lifetime. 11. “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows” – Sydney J. Harris Before embraking on your higher education journey, all you have is your own experience. Education opens a window to thought leaders near and far throughout history, and lets you understand the world in a deeper, more complex way. 12. “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education” – Martin Luther King When you develop critical thinking, you no longer take things for granted. You start questioning why things are the way they are. You learn about people who saw something wrong and had the courage to do things differently in their personal lives, or lead a nation to an impactful transformation. Yes, you need courage and tenacity, but when you get an education, you start realizing you can make a difference too. 13. "When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world"- Shai Reshef Shai Reshef is an educational entrepreneur, founder and president of University of the People, the world's first non-profit, tuition-free, accredited university. He made it his life mission to help open the gates to higher education. Use These Education Quotes to Take the Next Step Toward Your Dream Keep these education quotes nearby. Save them in your favorites, print them out and keep them in your wallet, or hang them on the wall. Read them every time things get tough, and always remind yourself: You’re worth the effort, so don’t give up on your dream. Degree Programs Business Administration Computer Science Health Science Student

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

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Dating your LinkedIn Network In the beginning there was Grindr. Developed by and for gay men, Grindr used the power of satellite technology to enable any man with a mobile phone to find compatible partners in his zip code — and to hook up with them in 15 minutes or less. Grindr begat Tinder. Using the same satellite technology as Grinder, a single straight woman with a Tinder app on her mobile phone could locate an attractive male partner in her zip code and arrange a date in 15 minutes or less. Tinder used what’s called an API key to access data from her Facebook page and the Facebook page of the man in question. It’s the same kind of API key that you use to open Twitter with your Facebook account. All perfectly legal and essentially safe. But the single straight woman in the example above still had a problem. Unless she was looking for a quick hook-up, it wasn’t very likely she’d have anything in common with any man she met on Tinder. It was all aLinkedUp question of looks — the equivalent of hanging out in a bar. Not necessarily the best way to meet a compatible partner for anything but a fling. Might there be a way to use this same API key technology to access the kind of information people really need if they’re looking for serious relationships? Real relationships happen when people have shared interests and common backgrounds. That’s why people tend to fall in love with their co-workers. When most of us work at least 12 hour days anyway, who really understands your joys and sorrows better than the person in the next cubicle? But how does one find such people online? On LinkedIn, of course. Though a romance with someone in your own office is usually a bad idea, on LinkedIn you’re connected to people in your entire industry — and to people in related industries. People who are far more likely to share your values, educational level, and interests than that handsome stranger from Tinder last weekend with whom you had nothing in common. And so, just as Grindr begat Tinder, Tinder in turn begat LinkedUp! With the power of the API key, you can now use LinkedUp! to search your LinkedIn contact list for potential romantic partners. It’s the virtual equivalent of chatting in the office cafeteria with that cute person who works down the hall. Chances are you’ll know many of the same people and share similar struggles and aspirations. If you turn out to like each other, you’ll have the benefit of having lots to talk about for a long time. That might make it easier to trust each other — perhaps the most valuable thing of all. As a sex and relationship therapist who spends his life helping people cultivate intimate relationships, I’m hopeful that LinkedUp! will turn out to be a very useful app indeed. I look forward to hearing from my single patients whether it lives up to its promise, or whether the mixture of business and personal life will prove to be too perilous or confusing. It will be remarkable if a platform whose electronic grandfather was (and still is) a hookup app turns out to be a valuable tool for people looking for love and marriage. But stranger things have happened. I’ll keep you posted. See also: Manhattan Sex Therapist Discusses “LinkedUp!” – The New Dating App for Business

Singles Warehouse @Singlewarehouse Visit Singles Warehouse at & the #SWEXPERTS new home International Joined August 2010 in the busy modern world, where Millennials spend their days glued to their desks, working hard to climb the career ladder hoping to eventually earn enough to cover the rising cost of living, it can be hard for single people to get out there and find someone to share their life with. That is why so many young people are now looking for love online. Internet dating is something of a special science and singletons should be aware of the way they present themselves if they want to be sure of attracting the right kind of date – and potentially building a relationship. Here we look at some of the dos and don’ts of online dating, to help singles get the most out of their internet love search experience. Getting the right photo for your online dating profile First, you MUST have your photo on your profile to get a date; profiles with no picture are skipped over by online daters. Choose a photograph that you feel is actually representative of the person you are – a recent photo that has not been overly edited or filtered is the best – you want your date to recognise you if you meet in person and not to be disappointed that the real life version looks so different. Research has shown that photos hinting at your social life and hobbies can be helpful – think a picture taken on the ski slope, or while wearing your workout gear. The perfect profile Once you have picked your picture, it is time to turn you attention to your profile. If you are wondering how to write your dating profile to best attract online daters, there are few hard and fast rules, however, the biggest one is that you must be positive and not sell yourself short! If blowing your own trumpet doesn’t come easily, you can ask a friend to write on your behalf – it’s often easier for others to highlight our plus points. Getting in touch Once your dating profile goes live it is time to start making connections – but how should you handle these early contacts? If you are sending the first message, keep it short and positive. Mention points from the prospect’s profile to show you are interested in more than just their picture and try to create some common ground using this information. If the conversation continues make plans to meet sooner rather than later – you don’t want to invest too much time in someone with whom you might not share any real life chemistry.