Monday, August 14, 2017

Are you 18-25 years old and living in North America? Get a paid internship at ISRAEL21c

APPLY TO BE A DIGITAL AMBASSADOR FOR ISRAEL! What’s a Digital Ambassador? A Digital Ambassador is someone who feels passionate about Israel and uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media and online platforms to spread fascinating stories and videos about great things Israelis are doing to make life better and more interesting for people around the world. The goal is to show a bigger picture to Americans and the rest of the world about who Israelis really are! You have to be 18-25, and from North America to take part. Where do I find the stories and videos? Check out our website ISRAEL21c. It’s a great site that has thousands of stories and videos (updated daily) that are originally created by ISRAEL21c journalists, and are available for Digital Ambassadors to use for free. The stories are fun and cover lots of topics on cutting edge technologies (like printing a car), medical breakthroughs (like research aimed at helping cure blindness), and fun things to see and eat while visiting Israel. How does it work? Digital Ambassadors are trained in social media strategy, with a particular focus on digital outreach. Each Ambassador chooses a niche area to focus on — such as health, technology, culture, or social action — and promotes ISRAEL21c’s stories, videos and infographics to online communities and key online influencers within their niche area. What’s expected of me? You’d join a select group of people who receive training and support for free. We ask that you attend a special full-day initial training session and then commit to spend about 2 hours per week (for a number of months agreed upon) reaching out to online communities and key online influencers and sharing stories you find interesting for them to post on their websites. We also ask you keep track of who you’ve contacted and the stories that have been posted. In addition to doing something good for Israel, what else can I get from being a Digital Ambassador? You receive training on building a bigger social media network, learn communications best practices, and get new ideas for reaching out to your community. You’ll also be connected with a network of Digital Ambassadors across the US. It looks great on a resume and you get a stipend of $100 a month for participating! I’m interested in finding out more! Now what? For more information contact Digital Ambassador Program Outreach Coordinator Ari Feinstein at or submit this application: Your Name Birthdate mm/dd/yyyy Your email address Your phone number Your address Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to become a Digital Ambassador (~100 words) What is your connection to Israel? Three academic \ work \ organizational references (name, relationships to you, phone number, email address) Attach here your Resume (DOC, DOCX, PDF) Choose File Please copy this code below captcha SEND

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